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  • Madhucon (BSE) : ₹ 7.1500 (3.4732%)
  • Madhucon (NSE) : ₹ 1.7000 (0.0000%)

About Us

Madhucon projects limited
With more than three decades of multifaceted experience, Madhucon constantly learns, upgrades and invests in technology, equipment and human resource to remain a step ahead of tomorrow’s industrial needs, inadvertently being well positioned to meet the future needs of Global Infrastructure.

Madhucon has already built over 7% of the National Highways in the Golden Quadrilateral in India which works out 12,000 lane kilometers. Madhucon’s concept is to Execute Projects Qualitatively, Timely & Economically.
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To emerge a pioneer in global infrastructure with a model mix that will lead to an efficient, sustainable, economical, safe, reliable, community friendly and regionally balanced system.


To incorporate excellence in all matters of execution, engineering and design skills and emerge as a Global Corporation with phenomenal growth in all its diverse branches.


We believe Work is Worship. Our Organization is activated by moral and social ethics in all its transactions.

Business Segments

Having exceeded many challenges along the way, Madhucon has established itself as one of the fastest growing infrastructure groups in the Country. Venturing into areas like National Highways, Irrigation projects, Mining, Tunneling, Railways, Flyovers and bridges, Madhucon achieved countless milestones and set to conquer many more.

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Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Preserving the social fabric

Madhucon’s humble beginnings have ensured that the Company has a strong and active societal conscience. To us, social performance ranks on par with financial success. We have created sustainable and responsible enterprises that priorities the concerns of the community and environment through various charitable, capacity- building and livelihood generating initiatives.

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Message from desk of Founder

Molding the purpose of our birth into a mission for greater good of the society, is the real challenge.

Like everything big starts with a single block, I began this company from scratch with one small idea. It was not an easy thing to gain the trust of the people in this reign as I come from a humble background. The driving force was the spirit of our vision and the determination which was solid as steel. I set up my own targets and broke my own records in achieving them. To achieve the highest of standards, we were extremely tenacious and persistent.

Madhucon firmly believes that its true strength lies in its efficient Team. Our people are united by a passion for their work and by a shared set of values that run throughout the company-values which define what we do and how we do it. All these combined efforts, today, has led the company to turn into a conglomerate of passion and vision in a record time. With the growth of Indian economy in correlation to the world economy, we see that we have the power to inspire and deliver golden opportunities that can open doors to vast innovations. The future of our Group is shining brightly as we aim towards the pinnacle of the pyramid.

Nama Nageswar Rao

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